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    StoreFront / Our Blogs on | Contributed By Sandeep Saini

    Sipping Sustainably: The Ultimate Guide to Vegan Tea Brands

    You’re probably wondering what took us so long! Don’t worry, it’s now time to run down our list of what we think are the very best vegan tea brands and then maybe even share our particular faves for each.

    It’s quite hard to pinpoint when and where exactly tea was invented seeing as it’s been around for thousands of years. However, there was one written account in China where tea was supposedly drunk for its medicinal benefits. Even so, you can also find stories from way back when people started to drink tea outside of medicinal purposes, similar to how it is enjoyed now.

    Nowadays, while tea is still the multi-beneficial drink it usually is, it’s now enjoyed simply as a tasty drink. Like we said earlier, a lot of us drink tea because we just love it and consider the benefits after picking our faves. And that’s because tea is good!

    Whether you’re looking for an alternative to your morning coffee, looking for a drink to warm up with during the winter, or wanting a refreshing beverage with loads of benefits, you’ll find something to love on our list. Without further ado, let’s get to the vegan tea brands. 

    Best Vegan Tea Brands

    Numi Tea

    numi tea

    We love Numi Tea because their products are organic and Fair Trade. If you’re really into sipping sustainably, then this vegan tea brand is going to be your, well, cup of tea!

    Numi Tea has an array of tea blends for you to choose from. If you want to select based on flavors, you can. They also made tea blends to help with specific benefits like boosting immunity or soothing sore throats. So picking one from the line-up is easy. 

    Numi Tea’s Moroccan Mint Herb Tea

    For a caffeine-free blend, we think Numi Tea’s Moroccan Mint Herb Tea is just the best one to get. This means you can enjoy a cuppa early in the morning or even late at night. We also love how the minty aroma just fills the room, giving us comforting vibes.

    Numi Tea’s Throat Soother Tea

    We mentioned earlier that you can get tea with specific benefits in mind. That being said, this Throat Soother Tea from Numi Tea is a prime example of that. A lot of folks drink tea to soothe their throats. So Numi Tea just went and prepared a blend specifically for that!

    Yogi Tea

    yogi tea

    Yogi Tea claims to be made with over 140 exotic spices and botanicals. They purposely make their tea blends to be both delicious and beneficial. It is a plant-based tea brand that makes use of organic ingredients as well. 

    Yogi Tea is inspired by the ancient holistic healing philosophy of Ayurveda. After 30 years of making wonderful teas, you can say that they know what they’re doing.

    Yogi Tea’s Breathe Deep Tea

    Unclog those nostrils with the help of Yogi Tea’s Breathe Deep Tea. It’s a blend that features eucalyptus, thyme, licorice, and basil. These ingredients all aim to help your respiratory system stay healthy. This tea is also free from caffeine!

    Yogi Tea’s Stomach Ease

    Give your digestion a little help with Yogi Tea’s Stomach Ease. Upset tummies are the worst. Instead of simply waiting for it to pass, why not give it some natural aid? 

    Tea Pigs

     Tea Pigs

    Great quality delivers great taste. White, black, oolong, green, and infusion teas from Tea Pigs are all made with leaves grown in absolutely perfect conditions. 

    Tea Pigs is proud to be considered the first vegan tea brand to go plastic-free. It’s vegan tea ideas like this that shake up the competition. Speaking of, they even source all their tea from sustainable estates - a far cry from other tea brands out there.

    Teapigs’ Chamomile Flower Tea

    Every tea-loving household has its favorite chamomile tea. Ours is Teapigs’ Chamomile Flower Tea. It’s naturally free from caffeine and we love having a cup before bed to soothe us and help shake the stress away.

    Teapigs’ Cleanse Green Tea

    Teapigs’ Cleanse Green Tea is a great blend to have at home. When we’re inviting guests over or have some staying for a bit, we make sure our guests have some of this on standby! You never know when people need a good detox after a day filled with feasting!

    Bonus Pick: Eco Tea’s Yerba Mate Loose Tea

    When we think of tea, we often think of the usual. Green, matcha, chamomile… All that is great and all, but how about something different?

    Try out Eco Tea’s Yerba Mate Loose Tea. It’s not the same kind Leo Messi drinks and has made famous over the past couple of years, but it’s one you can easily get here. Yerba mate is an acquired taste. Once you get into the habit of drinking it, you’ll be drinking in all of its wonderful health benefits - and there’s quite a lot of them!

    Spilling The Tea

    You know the drill. For all your tea and essentials, get them here at Vegan Essentials!

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